
Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist – Sundays at 10 am and Livestreamed on Facebook

How we worship

We come together weekly to worship God in a way that speaks to our hearts and challenges our minds. As Episcopalians, we follow a traditional form of worship that includes a set of seasons called the Liturgical Calendar. This calendar helps us tell the story of our faith in a way that is easy to understand and experience. Our worship services are full of variety, color, energy, and respect for God and each other.

  • Advent – The season leading to Christmas, followed by
  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
  • Epiphany
  • Lent
  • Easter
  • Pentecost

The Nave is the seating area in our place of worship. The colors change with the seasons. Additionally, the weekly readings from the Bible that we hear and think about also follow a specific schedule that reflects the time of the year.

Join us in worshipping together as a Christian family based on Bible teachings. All are welcome! Our service follows an order found in the Book of Common Prayer. We read from both the Old and New Testaments at every service, and our prayers and songs are inspired by scripture.

As you step inside the main part of the church, you will feel a sense of respect and awe. You may notice candles lit on the table at the front of the church. These candles remind us that Jesus is the “Light of the World” as it says in the Bible. Sometimes you will also see beautiful flowers around the church. They represent the resurrection of Jesus and are there to make the church even more special.

The  “Rector” leads the service. We encourage everyone who attends the service in the Episcopal Church to participate, not just watch. The Book of Common Prayer helps with this. We also use a hymnal, The 1982 Hymnal, and a Contemporary Song Book. These books allow everyone to participate fully in every service.

BCPThe Book of Common Prayer is a collection of prayers and worship services that Christians have been using for a very long time. It includes prayers for when people come together to worship as well as for when they pray alone. This book is a guide that helps everyone to participate and feel like they are an important part of the worship experience, whether it is a happy celebration or a more serious occasion. It also has advice for Christians on how to live their everyday lives. Likewise, music is an important part of worship. We feel connected to the Bible and each other when we sing both old-fashioned and modern songs.

In the Episcopal Church, we recite two creeds, the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed, during our worship services. This practice allows us to express our beliefs openly and join together with Christians from different times and places. Essentially, we come together as a faith community and declare our shared beliefs.

During our worship service, we use water, bread, and wine to celebrate our connection with God. We believe that through baptism, which is a special ceremony using water, we become united with God. In the Episcopal Church, we think that anyone who has been baptized in a Christian church is part of God’s family. We are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God.

When Jesus was alive, He ate bread and drank wine with His first followers. Today, we continue to share in this meal called Holy Communion (or Holy Eucharist or Last Supper) to remember Jesus’ life, death, and Resurrection. When we participate in this meal, we receive forgiveness of our sins and become closer to God and our fellow human beings. Anyone who has been baptized is welcome to participate in Holy Communion when they visit an Episcopal Church.

You will find “Welcome,” and “Prayer” cards on the back of the pews. New members are welcome at St. Monica’s Episcopal Church. Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts. We’re happy to help you get involved in our community. Just fill out one of these cards and let us know how we can help you. We’d love to get to know you better and assist you with anything you need. After filling out the card, you can either put it in the collection bowl or hand it to one of our friendly ushers or greeters at the end of the service.

We celebrate the Holy Eucharist, our regular Sunday service at 10 a.m

Everyone who has been baptized, regardless of their religious background or denomination, is invited to take part in Holy Communion, which is also called The Lord’s Supper.If you have young children who may get fussy during the service, there is a special room available to help calm them down. However, fussy children will rarely bother anyone other than their parents. Looking for an opportunity to grow in your faith? Join us for our Christian Education classes at 9:15 am! Whether you’re a lifelong believer or just curious about Christianity, our classes offer a welcoming environment to learn and explore. Come and join us to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the faith.

After the morning worship service on Sunday at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to join us for coffee and some light refreshments in the Narthex (the lobby). You will find a guest register in the Narthex as well. Please take a moment to sign the register with your name, the city and state where you are from, your email address, and the name of your church to let us know that you visited.