St. Monica’s is an active place where you will find friends, fun, and a way to give back.
Jesus calls us to create healthy communities – to live together as one body, serving the one Lord of all. At St. Monica’s we take that call seriously. We’re excited about the many activities and events that strengthen St. Monica’s as a circle of people who care about each other and the world around us!
All-Parish Potluck Lunches – All-Parish Potluck Lunches happen monthly to promote fellowship among parishioners.
Last Saturday Breakfast – Additionally, members gather together on the last Saturday of every month for breakfast. You are cordially invited to partake in a breakfast gathering and engage in fellowship at the Narthex. The breakfast menu often includes a variety of delectable dishes, such as sausage casseroles, cheese grits, biscuits and gravy, muffins, and more. Following the breakfast, some members volunteer to clean different areas of the church and participate in other projects.
Coffee Hour. Every Sunday after service, coffee, snacks, and treats are served in the Narthex. The only exception is the last Sunday of the month when we have a potluck instead.
On these pages, you will find many opportunities to be involved in the life of the parish both inside and outside our walls.
Cursillo is a three-day weekend designed to help Christians better understand their callings to be Christian Leaders. More than 20 of St. Monica’s active members have attended Cursillo weekends in various dioceses and several members have served on staff. The local Cursillo Community is Coastal Pilgrims.
The Cursillo experience does not end when the weekend is over. It is a starting point that lasts the rest of your life. and a springboard to a life-long practice of the Baptismal Covenant called The Fourth Day. The Fourth Day encompasses three major elements:
- The Group Reunion – a small group of Cursillo attendees who meet regularly. The real gift of Cursillo is Group Reunion which emphasizes the value of personal contact and sharing with other Christians after the weekend. The purpose of a Group Reunion is to help each one in it to reach his or her full potential in Christ. In company with sympathetic, caring, loving people we can share and talk about our hang-ups and fears as well as our hopes and dreams.
- The Ultreya – A “Reunion of Reunions” of sorts, usually held at various churches in the Diocese. Ultreya is an ongoing, follow-up program for people who have made their three-day Cursillo, linking them together in a Christian community that helps them support one another in their attempts to remain Christ-centered.
- Spiritual Direction – An important element in the Cursillo movement committed to helping persons deepen their union with Christ.
Saint Monica’s Reunion Group meets on the first Wednesday of every month.
To learn more about the Cursillo Movement, click here to visit the Coastal Pilgrims website.