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Walk in Love
Our giving tradition at St. Monica’s has always been focused on how we share all of our gifts – not just our financial gifts. Every church requires fresh ideas, innovative leaders who can tackle difficult challenges, and dedicated volunteers to help us serve our community. Our community depends on three things: wealth, work, and wisdom. If any of these areas are missing, we are not complete.
The Gospel invites us to Walk in Love with our neighbor in their footsteps, with the outcast and the marginalized, with those who need us. As we spread the Good News in our world, we carry the love and support of our congregation and our prayers into our communities. When you share your many gifts with your neighbors, every step is walking in love.
Each of us has a gift, some of us have many. For some it is cooking and baking, others might have beautiful singing voices, we praise those who have an administrative gift of balancing books or counting the collection, we admire those who offer hospitality, who serve at the altar, who help us find a seat as the service begins. Whatever your ministries are, we couldn’t be who we are without you.
Click here to download your 2024 pledge card.
How can you serve?
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers – Lay person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist.
- United Thank Offering – Twice a year these offerings are taken. A volunteer is needed to remind the congregation, collect, and be a liaison with the diocesan coordinator.
- We sponsor a Sunland patient who may have intellectual or severe physical challenges. We also give them holiday and birthday gifts. For many of these patients, this may be the only correspondence and gifts they receive.
- Pancake Supper – We celebrate our entry into the season of Lent with a Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) Pancake Supper with bacon, sausage, and made-to-order pancakes Several folks are needed to make this happen.
- The call tree is a communications team used for special events or emergencies. The team is asked to notify or sign up volunteers for events at St. Monica’s.
- Altar Guild Volunteers are needed to set up and take down the altar as needed. Each volunteer ideally serves once per month.
- Coffee Hour Host – People are needed to prepare coffee and provide snacks after church and to clean up the coffee machine and tables afterward.
- Flower Guild Volunteers obtain flowers and arrange for the altar as requested by a sponsor. Ideally, each volunteer serves once per month.
- Food preparation for receptions/funerals. A list of folks willing to prepare food when there is a funeral for a member or their immediate family
- Purchasing Agent – A volunteer is needed to purchase supplies, paper goods, and consumables for the church as needed.
- Sunshine Person – A volunteer is needed to send cards to members for birthdays, anniversaries, illnesses, etc.
- Decorating Committee – One volunteer is in charge of orchestrating decorations for seasonal and holiday occasions. The Flower Guild helps with ideas and actual decorating at the Hanging of the Greens and removing the same.
- Rice and Beans Ministry – Rice and bean packets are prepared by volunteers to give to those in need. They are distributed with a smile and a sausage biscuit on the last Saturday of the month.
- Weekly Weeders – We need members who enjoy getting their hands dirty to volunteer to keep our flower beds and Memorial Garden weed-free.
To learn more, visit The Episcopal Church website.
Be generous in offering your gifts.
Don’t forget to count your blessings – every day is a gift. Cherish your loved ones and appreciate your comfortable life and safe surroundings.
God is the ultimate source of all our gifts and His love is evident in the creation of the world. The presence of the Spirit enables us to take advantage of our opportunities. The gift of Jesus Christ brings us healing and hope, now and forever.
As Christians, we’re called to give back to God by using our gifts for ministry and supporting the church with a portion of our time and money. This won’t detract from meeting family responsibilities and will enhance our faith.
As members of St. Monica’s, we’re building on a legacy of more than half a century of generous giving. Our financial gifts support the salaries of gifted staff members and pay for the expenses of facilities, programs, and administration. The offering of our gifts in ministry sustains worship, fellowship, Christian education, and community outreach.
As we grow in generosity, we experience rewards. Moving from the fear of scarcity into the abundance of God’s kingdom can help free us to live more faithful lives. Joining gifts with others multiplies our resources, enabling us to make a greater impact. Our time is precious, but it’s rewarding to offer it when we can see what we’re doing together.
Pledge cards show you’re part of St. Monica’s and want to serve others. Your contributions help bring Jesus’ love to people in need. Thanks be to God!